Journey to Faith

Bashir* is a husband and father who has paid the price for living as a religious minority in Afghanistan. Many years ago, he and his wife, Farah*, had no choice but to flee Afghanistan after he was arrested and severely beaten by the Taliban. Far from home, Bashir abandoned the practice of Islam and began to search earnestly for God.  He and Farah met some Christians and became acquainted with their beliefs. After a time, Bashir and Farah made a decision to follow Jesus.

Upon returning to Afghanistan, Bashir lived a quiet life supporting his family by working in security for Western and Christian entities.  The family actively participated in Christian activities, including involvement in the J film, and often held gatherings in their home. It was not long before his Muslim friends and neighbors began to take notice and suspected that they had converted to Christianity.  Bashir was threatened several times until finally his son was shot by the Taliban.

After the takeover in 2021, the family was arrested twice by Taliban authorities. Fortunately, Bashir was not carrying anything that would link him to his work or his faith at the time and they were released.  However, the family received death threats and once again determined to leave their homeland. 

With the help of Project Alpha, Bashir, Farah, and their children made the treacherous journey out of Afghanistan and found refuge in a safehouse.  After a long period of waiting, they were transitioned to a new homeland where they can now build a new life and practice their faith without fear.

Please continue to pray for the families of those lost a year ago, both Afghan and US.  

Thank you for reading and for blessing people like this family with your faithful prayers and donations.  Our current needs are approximately $20,000 per month to cover the costs of caring for the people we host and helping them to move to safer places.  Would you consider a gift towards these needs?

*Name changed for security reasons.


Worth the Wait


An Anniversary of Tears