An Anniversary of Tears

On August 26, 2021, now one year ago, 170 Afghans and 13 US military personnel were slain by an ISIS K-bomb at the Abbey Gate of the Kabul airport as Afghans were desperately pressing in to escape the Taliban takeover.  

One family rushed into the chaotic aftermath of the blast searching frantically for their beloved brother, an interpreter for the US military, and his wife. Tragically both were killed, leaving behind their two young boys. The boys were also there at the airport but with other family members, out of reach of the explosion.   

Project Alpha was able to assist the interpreter’s brother and sister-in-law flee to a nearby country. Their two orphaned nephews were added to their own children.  

We are happy to announce that after months in our safehouses, they have arrived in Winnipeg, Canada on the anniversary of that horrific day. Tears of joy marked this day as they were met by another uncle who has been waiting to adopt them. 

Please continue to pray for the families of those lost a year ago, both Afghan and US.  

Thank you for reading and for blessing people like this family with your faithful prayers and donations.  Our current needs are approximately $20,000 per month to cover the costs of caring for the people we host and helping them to move to safer places.  Would you consider a gift towards these needs?

*Name changed for security reasons.


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