Project Alpha Prayer Journey

Let’s stand together by kneeling in prayer.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12

The Taliban’s abrupt return to power in Afghanistan in 2021 brought about upheaval and crisis in the lives of many. Thousands were suddenly endangered for reasons including previous connection to Western efforts in the country, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc. Many now seek refuge and resettlement outside of Afghanistan. Your prayers can ensure that imperiled Afghan families find safety and acceptance in a new homeland. Please join us in covering each step of their journey in prayer.

Photo: Sohaib Ghyasi

Step 1 - Personal recommendation by an advocate

Each individual/family must have an advocate, someone from the West who speaks up for them and knows them personally. They were a trusted translator, friend, or co-worker. Please pray…

  • For advocates to be able to communicate and connect with those who desperately need assistance to reach safety.

  • Millions of Afghans are estimated to currently be in severe acute food insecurity and to require urgent humanitarian assistance.

  • Afghan women are experiencing increased restrictions by the Taliban. Pray for safety for women and girls to travel around their communities freely and that they would again be able to pursue education.

Photo: Wanman Uthmaniyyah

Step 2 – Move temporarily to a nearby country

Upon leaving Afghanistan, the refugees are placed in homes where they will wait in uncertainty until they are accepted for resettlement. They are safer, but not completely safe from harm.  They are served by Christian men and women who place themselves in danger as they help house, feed, clothe, and care for the families in the name of Christ. Please pray…

  • For complete protection, that God would hide the refugees from all dangers and make each house a refuge of his love.

  • That the Bible studies, children’s schooling, English lessons, and exercise classes held in the houses would prepare hearts, minds, and bodies for transition to a new homeland.

  • For the safety, perseverance, and grace for the brave men and women that encourage those in the homes. That they would serve with the strength that God provides. That Christ would be evident in their love and service.

  • For a steady stream of generous financial gifting. Daily costs of feeding, housing, medical care, ground, and air transportation continue to accumulate.

Photo: Chuqur Studio

Step 3 - Initiate visa/vetting process by a lily pad country

Before moving on, the refugees are further vetted by the government who takes them in, and a lengthy visa process takes place. Some will move directly to their new homeland. However, some will temporarily settle in a lily pad country until more permanent status is granted by another country. Please pray…

  • For those that have been accepted and placed in their new country, that they would be able to settle quickly, find employment, learn the language without delay, find acceptance in the community, and live in peace. May they remember and reflect on the blessings and mercy of the Lord.

  • For the young adults whose education has been interrupted, that they would be able to continue their studies and eventually establish careers in their new homeland. 

  • For the Church to respond to these profound needs and do the work of Christ.

  • For each refugee to experience the love of Christ.

Photo: Scott Graham

Step 4 - Flight to lily pad country. Visa /vetting to resettlement country

Once approved, the refugees are flown to their lily pad destination, to stay for perhaps a year or more. A second visa and vetting process is undergone with a final resettlement country. Please pray…

  • Traveling through airport immigration can be nerve-wracking, even with all the correct paperwork and documentation. Pray for peace through the process and ease of travel for all.

  • For emotional healing and peace. Everyone has been uprooted from their homes, communities, routine, and livelihoods, as well as their extended families and friends. Some have seen or experienced traumatic things.

  • For family harmony, that everyone could resist the desire to complain or speak negatively during this very trying time of uncertainty and transition.

Photo: Matheus Ferrero

Step 5 - Resettlement in the new homeland

At last! A homecoming to a place never seen before! Yet after so much adversity, putting down new roots can be overwhelming, with new pressures and concerns surfacing unexpectedly. Please pray…

  • For those that have been accepted and placed in their new country, that they would be able to settle quickly, find employment, learn the language without delay, find acceptance in the community, and live in peace. May they remember and reflect on the blessings and mercy of the Lord.

  • For the young adults whose education has been interrupted, that they would be able to continue their studies and eventually establish careers in their new homeland. 

  • For the Church to respond to these profound needs and do the work of Christ.

  • For each refugee to experience the love of Christ.

Photo: Igor Rodrigues