From Those Helped to Safety

“Yes, I thank God for this organization. Jesus brought peace to Afghanistan and to the world.”


“This was a miracle. Put your faith in God and He will never disappoint you. God and His love never leave you. The people who helped me show me that love still exists. Humanity is still good. Overall, anytime and anywhere, trust in God. 


“I hope one day I can see all the people who helped me find safety. I would thank them and tell them how special they are to me.”


“It just makes me weep in gratitude. Thank you, Jesus! The absolute impossible has become a reality! Such a long journey to freedom—yet the journey is not over! This organization is making a real impact. They are saving lives.” 

These are just a few words of gratitude from those who have made it out. There are many more who just need someone like you to help them. Give today and help give an Afghan a safe place to call home.


A Dream Delayed

