Sought By The Taliban

Nasir* is a middle-aged man from Central Afghanistan with a large family and a heart full of faith. When he was only ten years old, Nasir was walking in a field holding his father's hand. Suddenly his father pushed him away, shots rang out, and his father fell dead in front of him. The Taliban had killed his father! This tragedy shaped his life as a child and young man; life was not easy for Nasir.

A marriage was arranged for him before he even finished school, but despite the challenges Nasir was determined to make a better life for himself. He trained to become certified in a medical profession and put his skills to use working for various Western charities. During this time Nasir also underwent a spiritual journey that led to him and his family to become Christians. Despite the severe persecution they would face, Nasir and his family wanted to follow their new faith.

The risk intensified for Nasir and his family once the Taliban regained power in the summer of 2021. Having converted to Christianity they were considered apostates, a crime punishable by death.  However, Nasir’s work with Western charities aggravated the situation even further. Although he had kept his Christian faith private, the local mullahs noted that Nasir was not attending prayers at the mosque and reported him to the Taliban. He then received a summons letter from the Taliban to appear in court.

The family fled to another city where they could hide in anonymity for a while. From there they tried unsuccessfully several times to escape across the border. Sought by the Taliban, in hiding for over two months, their funds running out, Nasir’s family was in a very desperate situation. Miraculously, Project Alpha was able to help them leave the country.

Now Nasir says that he can finally sleep at night, no longer fearful that they will all be killed. He is deeply grateful for all the work his sponsor and Project Alpha have done to bring them all to a safer place.  But their search for safety isn’t over.  Nasir’s family now waits in a safehouse for transport to a country that will host them until another country accepts them permanently.

You can make a difference for people like Nasir

*Name changed for security reasons.


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